
School Photos - Manzo Market
Manzo Elementary students opened up their Manzo Market on April 3, inviting the community to drive up and get plants grown in the Manzo garden for a small donation. It's a wonderful opportunity for both students and the community to engage in sustainable practices and support the school.
A boy holds up a sign reading Manzo Market with the plants of the day listed.
A group of women pick out plants and eggs at the market
A boy runs down the sidewalk holding a potted plant
A man hands over money to a boy to pay for his plants
A Manzo staff member bags up veggies for a woman
Coaches for Charity Donation
On August 27, Manzo Ecology School was the lucky recipient of a $2,300 donation from Coaches for Charity, a group focused on scholarships and financial support to schools. The Coaches raised the funds through a bowl-a-thon. Principal Brenda Maytorena and Manzo Coach Steve Escobar will put this donation to good use on behalf of their students. The Coaches for Charity Kickoff Classic football game will be held on August 31 at Cholla High School.
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Athletes with Presenter